Thursday, October 4, 2007

Second Life

Second Life sounds like an amazing phenomena, one that was bound to happen, and that amidst its theoretical possibilities, it is bound to have its repercussions. Essentially this is the Sim’s game multiplied by infinity, with an ever-growing database with endless possibilities. Gaming to me has always been a guilty pleasure. I love them, it’s a great distraction, but it can interfere with your life negatively if you allow it to take precedence over your real life. Which is why I’m hesitant to create a character on Second Life. But I am truly intrigued by this virtual world, and I would like to do some exploring of it.

The businesses that are getting behind the virtual world are viewing it as an actual franchise, like Peugeot. How realistic are these cars? Do they break down ever? The fact that you can make money in the virtual world is very interesting to me. Essentially one can make a living inside this world, and use that to live in the real world. I’m no economist, but this seems like something that is horrible for the economy, meaning it takes people out of the work force that would in turn make everything a bit more expensive. But this would only be a problem if a significant amount of people does this.

Overall, I am not against it, in fact I am probably going to start a character next chance I get.

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