Thursday, October 4, 2007

History of the Internet

It was very necessary for me to see the documentary of the history of the internet.  I knew so little about it, and it is still to me an abstract concept that I don’t understand.  This was able to shed some light on the development of it, and explain a little bit how it works. I didn’t know that the government had a large part in the creation of it, and that for security reasons they created a different system of nodes so that if one was destroyed the message would be relayed through other systems.

I thought it was great that the man who created e-mail did it in his spare time. It reminded me of the creation of Napster, and the college kid who did it because he saw it as a challenge.

The documentary itself did not impress me a whole lot, it was crudely shot and the graphics were nothing special. I would have also liked to learn a bit about the development of the internet in contemporary times, what types of changes are being developed, and what is going to be the future of the internet? I am grateful to have seen the doc though, I realize how many hours I spend on it per day, and I can’t imagine life without it.

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