Thursday, October 11, 2007

Bitforms Gallery

I thought the Bitforms Gallery was great. Daniel Rozin created a gallery dedicated to making digital mirrors that reflect movement. I feel like it is a great fusion between technology and art. The message of the art, according to the postcard, is to create a theme of perception of oneself. To me, the gallery wasn’t profound in any way, it was just really cool, especially the ‘mirror’ that incorporates the use of shadow from a light source. I would really like to have that piece in my house. The idea of an interactive mirror is not a completely original idea. I remember when I was in elementary school we went to the science museum in Boston and there was a shadow volleyball game that used our silhouettes to hit a virtual volleyball back and forth.

David Fried’s exhibit with the sound propelled balls fascinated me. I had no idea such a thing could exist. It was very mesmerizing and soothing. I would love to understand more of how they work, there is no electronic device in them, and they generate movement based on sound.

The bubbles exhibit didn’t do a lot for me. The person working there tried to explain that the bubbles can reflect so much of ourselves, but that seemed like a stretch. I think the accomplishment in the gallery is the fact that he was able to find a way to create the photographs.

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