Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Ken Perlin Lecture

Ken Perlin is a great speaker, he is charismatic and engages us frequently to keep our attention. His work is very fascinating, I really like how everything he does works towards one goal. Which is to make an array of characters that can play out scenes on their own, based on emotional keywords. This could lead to an entirely new form of entertainment, and also for the world or pitching ideas, and experimenting with scripts and formats for TV shows or movies.

I liked his argument that video games stimulate the mind in a positive manner, and that video games can, and are used for educational purposes. This is something that I myself have argued with growing up. My mind is incredibly stimulated during the hours in which I played games, but there was always something guilty about it in the back of my head, like it was a waste of time. I like how he described movies and novels as a passive learning, that the agency is in the story, whereas in a game the agency is within you and you are active with the characters.

His kinetic poetry program reminded me a bit of Dadaist artwork, where it was a “destruction” of the cut-and paste method of poetry, but at the same time created an entirely new idea of random poetry.

If I were into programming, I would love to be in his classes, and get to learn from what he does.

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