Sunday, November 25, 2007

Comic Web Sites

This Modern World:
I really enjoyed the few cartoons I read. They are very insightful, they make great observations on the republican/ democratic controversies.

Leisure Town:
This one didn’t do much for me. I didn’t really understand it’s purpose, and though it’s different in style, the photo comics was a distraction and uninteresting for the most part.

This site looks very interesting, I like how it is trying to incorporate the viewer into the creation of a story. The c-ware section can allow you to create your own comic strip. I think it’s something to keep an eye on to see if it’s successful or not.

The Comics Journal:
A great resource for comic artists, with interviews and a forum for new comics to be posted.

Modern Tales:
This is a great site that is well organized, and you have access to about a hundred different comic strips. I had no idea there were so many comic strips out there.

Penny Arcade:
This strip is pretty good. I read a couple and I like the references to Facebook.

The Web Comic List:
This site is really good for getting up to date comics, and keeping track of when a new comic is out.

Top Web Comics:
This is the best site I’ve seen so far for aquiring online web comics. They have categories to search by, and then they are ranked, so the bad ones are filtered out. I was surprised they did not have a category for political comics, maybe there aren’t that many out there?

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