Sunday, November 25, 2007

Comic Documentary

The documentary on comics was very interesting. I didn’t realize that world out there existed. I had no idea what kind of culture surrounded the comics, or how they developed. I thought the intro was great, with the animations that drew up the name each person in the documentary, followed with the very comical oil spill at the end. I thought the superhero war propaganda was very interesting. I also didn’t realize that comics went through so much censorship. It was great how Mad Magazine was able to circumvent those censorships. I like how Robert Crumb had absolutely no inhibition in proclaiming his addiction to LSD and how he relied on it for his inspiration with his cat series. This didn’t surprise me as much as another scene in the movie with the girls wearing practically nothing playing pool behind a comic artist being interviewed. This is a side of the comic world I did not expect. I didn’t realize how much of a ladies man you can become by drawing comics.

I liked how the film turned the interviews into their own comic strip, by freeze framing them and placing them side by side. I thought it was a good documentary about comics, but I really wanted to see Bill Watterson, he is one of the most successful comic artists, and I own all his Calvin and Hobbes books.

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