Sunday, November 11, 2007

Bill Viola

I really enjoyed the work of Bill Viola. I liked how he used a variety of equipment to suit the specific needs for a project. The piece that involved jump cuts in a desert and then someone walks and throws a puddle into a pond was really interesting. I like how it played with ideas of time, space, and movement.

I thought his slow motion greeting was great. I like how he got the inspiration from a painting and turned it into a video installation. Before I stated that I was not a fan of video art, but this piece really intrigued me. This is completely opposite from Nam Jun Paik. The fluid, 100 frames per second, captured every moment, and made you contemplate each movement and touch. I actually thought that the piece may have been stronger without the sound, or at least it was completely different. The first time I saw it without the sound I felt something completely different than when he put the creepy noises and slow talking in.

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