Thursday, September 20, 2007

Ken Perlin

From browsing through Ken Perlin’s website, it is clear that he is an incredibly talented computer programmer. He has many different applications you can click on that will take you to another aspect of his research. His video about characters interacting independently of human interaction signifies that some sort of self-sufficient robot could be possible in the near future. He has scratched the surface of the idea of independent thinking programs.
His development of Pad++ is also a revolutionary program. This allows us to infinitely post ideas in any direction. Unlike a post-it note, where you can only write on one surface, you can zoom in or out as much as you want to post your information. For example in pad, there could be an infinite amount of information in between the space of these words. This is the type of thinking outside the box that makes him a such great programmer.
On his website,, I think his most interesting programs are that of people.  He is able to create natural movements through mathmatical equations, which I think is a very ambitious and great achievement.

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