Sunday, September 23, 2007


With concerns about the documentary about Borges we saw in class last week. I know that I am not the only one in the class who was completely lost in that film. It is understood that this man was an incredible thinker, and was profoundly influential with his writings. The film, however, was a bit incomprehensible, his accent was very hard to decipher, and I don't know spanish. On the other hand, I really liked the way they structured the documentary. I thought it was a good technique to perform the stories Borges wrote through a narrative approach with actors.

Borges story, The Garden of Forking Paths, I thought was great. I don't feel like I've really gotten to understand it yet, but I have only read it twice.  I remember hearing in the documentary that he liked to write so that the average reader can understand his writings, and I appreciated that. It was a story with deep meaning and thoughts that were revolutionary at the time, but he wrote it in such a way that also is very entertaining.

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